
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Non-weight loss goals and motivations!

Motivation!!  Looking at things like this always keeps me on track!

Think about why you started!

I'm going to try to think back to today any time I'm ready to put something shitty in my mouth!

Get Strong, Sexy Legs-need this!
One of my non-weight loss goals is to be able to workout/run in these spandex shorts. Mine will probably be a little longer than hers though...

You CAN do it.

I HATE it when people say..."You didn't gain it overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight."  I know that jerk!  But some people are naturally skinny and some people are not.  I am not making excuses for my weight at all, but when a naturally skinny person says this I want to bop them on the head.  I is the truth.  You can only lose one pound at a time.  When I get on the scale after a week of being diligent and it tells me I lost .5 I want to throw it against the wall and eat some damn ice cream.

Working out while pregnant... Pin now read later. Like when you are prego.
No I'm not pregnant, but another non-weight loss goal of mine is to looke like this when I am.

I'm going say it...hoping that no one actually reads my blog and holds me accountable for this.  I want to run another half-marathon.  UGH.  I hated it.  I hated it sooo much.  But the knowledge that I did not train for it and that my time could have been oodles better haunts my ass. 

Ohhh so that's what it means?!  Let's do this!

Clawing my way out of the VCM rut

I know it may sounds overly ambitious, but I would love to start getting a workout in before work.  I don't just want to lose weight and be healthy.  I want to be a freakin beast.  Also, who wears this to workout?  Maybe me after the next few months?!

Another small thought.  I've never shared this with anyone, but one of the things I would love to do is to work in the fitness industry.  I don't feel like I'm fit enough yet, but one day when I am I would love to do something.  Even if it's just volunteering.  I think that teaching children about health and fitness at a young age is important.  I think it could save a lot of people from struggling later in life with weight problems.  Since I know that mantaining my weight is much easier than losing it, my guess is that prevention would probably be even easier!

1 comment:

  1. Two things:
    1) I read and I'm holding you accountable :)
    2) I would love to work in the fitness industry too! Maybe one day we can combine our skills/knowledge!
