
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stitch fix box #1

My first stitch fix box came in today and man was I excited!!  It was like Christmas and I was so excited I had to go home on my lunch break to try on what I got!  Excuse the messy bedroom.  Here is a little look...

Wrap dress $68.00

Fleece shirt $54.00

Striped Nautical Tank $38.00

Knit Cardigan $48.00

As you can tell there are only 4 out of 5 pieces shown.  That is because the jeans they sent could have fit a small infant.  All in all I was really  happy with what I got.  I think the longer I get them the better they will get as the stylist gets to know what I like and what I don't.  I would call this a win!

If you are interested in getting stitch fix click RIGHT HERE!

If you are still on the fence at least go and fill out the style profile to see what you think!  I'm open to questions.